Saturday, December 27, 2008

~ Wintersday Greetings ~

Wintersday Greetings From Guild Wars :)

Wintersday is Guild Wars presentation of a winters festival that embodies the spirit of the season in all of the best and most fun ways. Wintersday 2008 was just a whole lot of fun with new quests added to new areas and redoing original quests for items and gifts .. with new drops and quest rewards like new summoning stones and funny tonics .. snowball fights against other players in a snowball arena .. and the culmination of the great battle between Dwayna and Grenth for the hearts and minds of the people rewards of gifties and a couple of funny new hats .. and for the 1 week I was well enough to enjoy it I made the most of it. :D

All the major areas were decorated for this event as well .. except areas in Canthan/Factions .. which is not set to celebrate it at all.

As usual .. a seasonal adjustment to our guild hall and cape. :)



Droknar's Forge

Lion's Arch

The Eye of the North

I ran gifts .. with grentchies hot on my trail .. to get a gift for a gift from Scrappy Jhim in Lion's Arch.

I farmed the snow caves for candy cane shards tradable for more gifts and items .. in the hopes of the elusive mini pet Wintersday Polar Bear .. complete with a merry band of grentchies to help me .. or to hinder .. depending on the quest I took.

Standing on the rings on Dwayna's side in Kamadan.

Standing on the rings on Grenth's side in Lion's Arch.

In all .. for the short while I played .. I had .. as always .. a great time .. and now .. look forward to the upcoming Canthan New Year festival. :D

And .. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before .. but .. I REALLY love Guild Wars. ;)

**Note :
I know this is late .. I had started it just after my eyes cleared up .. but I had a one week grace period before getting hit with a wicked cold .. so back down again .. and am really just getting back to my normal self again. :\

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Let's Set The Holiday Mood ;)

I was first introduced to this rendition several years ago on The Sneeze .. and it is without a doubt my favorite version of this festive tune. :D

It is just not Christmas here anymore without at least once having this unique vocal styling ringing throughout our house each Christmas.

Please enjoy .. it will lift you to tears as you've rarely known .. and .. just when you think it couldn't possibly deliver more .. oh it does .. it most certainly does. ;)

O Holy Crap .. erm.. Night

Friday, December 19, 2008

Regarding The NOT SO Dearly Departed

Although I can appreciate .. and have sympathy for .. those he chose to shine the light of his benevolent grace upon who may be saddened by his loss .. those of us (and there are MANY) who lived in the shadow of his meanness .. his cruelty .. and his vengeful wrath with singleminded purpose to drive us out of Until Uru .. along with the pain and stress of those attacks .. and who was clearly unrepentant to his very end .. WE are NOT the LEAST bit sorry to see the back of him.

Having made NO secret of my feelings for this guy over the things he did to myself and my daughter .. I would be naught but a hypocrite if I were to suddenly be awash in grief .. as just because someone who was mean-as-hell passes .. does NOTHING to negate .. or excuse .. who they were and what they perpetrated upon others.

Funny thing is .. when I read it .. I felt absolutely nothing .. but had one thought .. now .. NOW he knows .. as I believe firmly in the "post life" review .. so NOW he knows ..and gets to feel EXACTLY how devastated others he attacked felt.

And that's ALL I've got to say 'bout that .. * offers a box of chocolates *


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Misery Thy Name Is .. Pink Eye >.<

I have been suffering with yet one more nuisance ailment that is utterly miserable.

For the past 3 weeks I've had a particularly nasty bout of viral pink eye.

It started with a week of itchy eyes .. and constantly cleaning my contacts as they just seemed to ever more frequently get smeared. I thought it was that my eyes didn't like the new contact lens solution I'd been forced to switch to as the one I've used for a few years now is not gonna be made anymore .. leaving me in the position of having to find something new that my eyes will like. *cries*

But it got progressively worse .. and probably made worse as I just kept on wearing my lenses .. with my best friend commenting that my left eye was looking swollen as we returned from a nice lunch out.

It STILL didn't occur to me that there was a problem until about 5 days after when my eyes turned red and watery and ... yucky .. that it finally dawned that *something* else might be happening.

Antibiotic drops didn't help not bacterial.

Antihistamine didn't help .. so not allergy related.

Leaving ..... viral .. and a particularly nasty viral at that .. and .. of coure .. absolutely NOTHING that can be done except ride it out .. and keep the contacts OUT idiot!!

About the seventh day of it I awoke to great sacks of fluid ringed under my eyes .. yeah .. great ... :\

I spent the next half hour online sobbing to my friend Alan .. bless his heart .. and making a bad situation look far worse for the effort too.

I sat for hours with chilled chamomille tea bags on my eyes .. there's a sight for the famiy .. and finally searched online and found a concoction of 1 Tablespoon of organic coconut oil (I used Omega) mixed smooth with a dozen drops of Thursday Plantation tea tree oil. This I smeared a tiny dab across my lash line and let it work its way into my eyes. You might think it'd burn but it was cooling and soothing and by the next day my eyes were feeling much better .. and have steadily improved each day since faithfully using that.

I'm STILL not fully healed .. my eyes are only slightly pinkish .. the swelling nearly all gone .. and my eyes are not oozing copious amounts of .. guck .. all night now .. though I suspect I am still contagious as they do a bit .. so all symptoms are not completely gone.

My bedding and pillow cases are frequently washed .. and I've been absolutley rabid about .. several times a day .. Clorox wiping wherever I've been .. because I would HATE for anyone else to catch this .. especially so close to Christmas too .. and as we all know .. where "Bambi goes .. nuthin' grows" .. in these cases. ;)

I have several posts queued up that are gathering dust and will get them posted soon as I'm feelin' better and can use my lenses again .. I did this one in HUGE print in my wordpad .. before cutting and pasting here. :D