Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I Am A Bitch Magnet O_o

And they can be of either gender too. ;)

I think I may need a new perfume .. or better soap .. or .. something .. because it seems that no matter what forum I find .. how nice and polite and friendly I try to be .. how many smilies I feel forced to use to show that I'm being as NON-threatening as I can be .. I STILL get MY posts zeroed in on .. as if it's someones civic duty to shut .. me .. down. O_o

It happened on the MO:UL forum so many times I vowed NEVER to post there again EVER. O_O

I asked 2 of my friends to have a peek on the FoG forum .. am I just imagining it ?? .. I needed them to be as HONEST in their assessment as they could be .. just for my own peace of mind. They are in complete agreement with me .. these 2 people DO seem to find my posts .. one even quotes them .. and proceed to have their wicked way with me picking apart whatever I post. I've had threads about things I've accomplished hi-jacked with stuff they did in the same missions .. cuz they did it better of course .. and I even got chastised for "sounding" angry .. among other things. O_o

Not enough smilies I guess ?? :\

So now .. here I am in the throes of peri-menopause .. and I find a forum that's pretty well run .. lots of information and great support .. after signing up and discovering that the "abbynormal" is now gonna be the "normal" for me for a while anyway .. I decide to post. There was a discussion and someone mentioned researching Red Raspberry Leaf as an aid for very heavy flow, painful cramps and irregular periods.

Now this is something I happen to know something about .. as I've used Red Raspberry Leaf tea for YEARS with GREAT success with it in regulating things for me. I cannot say enough good things about it as a useful herbal aid for setting things right in that department.

So .. I post such .. explain my successful experience with it .. and explain a little about why it works as it does. It has been used traditionally to aid in easing childbirth .. so VERY safe to be taken while pregnant .. and restoring tone to the uterus after delivery. Also .. it's very useful in regulating periods .. from heavy flow .. to too slow flow .. too long periods .. to painful cramps, etc. It is also touted as an aid for menopausal issues of the oh-so-very messed up periods that come with that .. and of this I CAN vouch .. so I'm trying it now to see if it actually DOES work with this as well.

The way it does this is by balancing estrogen and/or progesterone levels by flushing excess hormones out of your system .. certainly seems a much better way than pumping you full of whatever hormone is less .. even if it means giving you large doses to bring your levels UP to match the one in EXCESS. O_o And .. by my experience with it regulating my periods and reducing those awful cramps I suffered with all of my life .. I can say on that front it works beautifully !! Intially I took 2 capsules of whole herb 3 times a day for months .. it takes a while .. but it WORKED .. then I switched to the tea as I liked it better.

Anyway ....... of all the posts in that thread .. MINE gets singled out .. with a remark .. "no offense to the one drinking the tea .. but NO tea is gonna help with heavy flow and pain". This from someone who is advocating all manner of surgical proceedure as it was what *she* did. O_o

I'm getting awfully tired of this crap ya' know .. I don't know what it is about my posts that seem to attract that type. I take care to make my posts legible .. spelled correctly .. try to add appropriate emots .. and make it as intelligently presented as I can make them. I think it's like tinder to some with "lightning" personalities, though. How DARE I post any sort of intelligent data .. or a cohesive opinion !! O_o

Especially one that does NOT agree with how *they* think .. the sheer GALL of me. O_O

I suppose .. I could start expressing myself in near illegible forum-speak that reduces language to short forms and acronyms that feign to make sense. Toss spelling .. grammar .. punctuation .. and stop giving a rats rosy red hinderend what ANYONE thinks .. just ramble it on out there and let others deal with it as *their* problem. But .. I just cannot bring myself to look like I've just slithered out of the shallow end of the intelligence pool.

Another option of course is to just stay the hell away from forums of ANY sort and leave the BS to those who love to dish it out so they can wallow in the cozy feeling of controlling others .. because it is .. after all .. ALL about them in the world. Yet .. I still feel like I want to contribute to something if I am in a position to do so .. rather then just invisibly lurk .. so I'm not really sure what the solution is.

One of my friends .. who did look at the threads I pointed him to .. probably has the best take on it all .. he rarely reads ANY forums .. he says they are a breeding ground for those who love to spread abuse and hate and discontent .. and for those who either lack the spine to stop them or worse .. ARE them .. even telling me I'm better than that by a wide margin .. and to not let the likes of those types diminish the person that I am. It was nice to hear and a person needs to hear such things once in a while .. or I do anyway. :)

Since I haven't yet figured out how to NOT let it all get to me .. I've been off the FoG forums since that crap of a couple of weeks ago .. and maybe it's just the better way to go as I can come up with no better way to handle it .. because I have NO intention of getting in touch with my inner illiterate so that I might fly under the sharp eyed radar of those ready to jump on any intelligent expression. It's just a shame that there are those with so little sense of self that they MUST pick others apart to reassure themselves that not only are they worthy people .. they are BETTER than others on all fronts.

To which I can honestly say .. they phail epically .. :\

Saturday, September 13, 2008

S .. S .. D .. G

Same .. Shit .. Different .. Game O_o

I honestly cannot imagine what is missing from some peoples diets.

Seriously !! O_O

What is there that impels certain people to get involved in a GAME and be just as ornery .. dismissive .. miserable .. abusive .. as they like towards others ??

Someone .. PLEASE explain it to me .. 'cuz I'm not gettin' it .. O_o

I love playing Guild Wars .. I mean I LOVE playing Guild Wars .. a LOT .. yet lately the BS has been rising to the point that I sorta feel disinclined to play .. and that bugs me. :\

We are in a guild of my daughters creation .. MaD .. she named it .. I don't ask ;) .. and we now have 10 members .. all women .. for now anyway. We are in an alliance with 9 other guilds with some pretty nice people .. mostly from Uru/Myst .. but also some who have never had anything to do with that group. And .. overall .. I'd have to say that I like most of them .. they seem like geninely decent, caring, respecting, helpful people.

There are a few though .. top members in one guild .. who seem to think that they are far and away THE finest human beings to ever grace the face of the planet. Players who's shear skill at playing elevates them to a position of superiority over the rest of us that .. unless we are saved by adopting all that they've learned as they've blazed their way through the game before us .. we are in effect .. pretty much useless ... as players and as human beings. O_o

They pontificate at length on what skills are best .. what builds are the l337est .. and try to force that on any who straggle into their crosshairs.

They are also rude to a fault .. treating most others .. and certainly most new players .. with a disdain befitting something nasty they've found stuck under their shoe.

New players builds are trashed with such offhanded dismissivness that I am surprised ANY of them bother to return .. backhanded remarks are flipped at them with a total disregard for how that may make them feel about themselves as players and at the GAME .. and there is a general air of intolerance that makes me want to sack the lot of them.

It is TOTALLY unnecessary too !!

I have witnessed people slapped down for things as insignificant as not knowing that chest keys are worth half the value to sell back to a merchant .. curtly being told to "learn the game if you're gonna play it" .. references made to them as 'reinventing the wheel' when they experiment with new builds and weapon set ups just to see what works .. in effect learning the game in the best way .. on their own .. made fun of in open Alliance Chat (A/C) because they chatter back and forth about what they are doing and any accomplishment that is a milestone to them that gives them a sense of accomplishment .. smart remarks and potshots for saying something that group deemed senseless .. and on and on and on ...

It finally came to a head on the FoG forum with one of them absolutely trashing in all ways .. the new players and how they play the game .. it was pretty bad .. and they first tried to play at 'oh .. I was just trying to get people to talk' .. O_o

*cough* Bullshit *cough*

It was a dismissive ridiculing rant that showed in full effect EXACTLY what was thought of .. of nearly EVERYONE else in the alliance .. by that one group. And it was shamefully appalling. Everything from the "hilarious" questions they ask .. to not having enough money for "simple" armor .. to "noob" builds .. to mission wipes .. and using "non-max" weapons .. deriding the farming of "low-level" areas .. making fun of some of the things people come up with .. and even justifying abusing others in missions as "helping" O_o .. etc.

This on the heels of MC taking such a brow beating in an "elite" area that she was in tears here .. by that same person. I had only had positive interaction with him up to this point .. but have been told that he's been MUCH worse with others during missions and quests. Something that I found hard to wrap my mind around as he was pretty outta control. O_O

Trying later to slough it off as "just helping to run the mission" is total BS too. It was abusive and controlling.

MC and I may not be the l337est players in that game .. but we are NO slouches either .. she and I experimented with builds on ourselves and 6 Hero AI's .. and made it to the end of that mission .. called The Deep .. with only an 8 member team in what is a 12 member mission .. having figured out a way to get ALL of us together to start in ONE room .. rather than broken up into 4. Our one regret was NOT going back in with retooled skills to interrupt the final boss and get it done ON OUR OWN with our crew of 8. :D

Instead .. we ran that SAME mission a week later with this person .. and it was a GREAT team effort .. went like a well oiled machine to a successful completion too. *I* think .. personally .. the next time that went so abusively .. their abysmal behavior was to impress upon one of the members of the mission that THEY were the boss .. not them .. who is an accomplished player in his own right and one I have great respect for as he's a decent young man who I have NEVER known to treat ANYONE badly for ANY reason.

Since this has happened .. things are just NOT the same .. meetings have been held but really not much accomplished .. the open barbs have settled down .. but I think the feeling is that the rest of us know what they think of us all .. and it's gonna take a pretty concerted effort for most to forget that.

Their leader is on the defensive .. "missing" the meetings .. they didn't concern them so .. no point in going .. no mention of the total shredding of another member on that forum .. so nope .. no problem with them at all .. O_o

There is a strain that .. I dunno .. the usual fun chatting in AC is all but gone .. with most people not even saying a 'hello' when they arrive anymore. Occasionally those who led the charge to "join existing guilds if you want to stay" .. or totally trashed the rest of us .. or led a push to have other members participate more - and let me just add WHY on earth would ANY want to after the slagging they've endured??? - are the ones to post the odd bit in AC .. having pretty much killed it for the rest of us. For me .. I have been mostly playing off by myself or with MC .. as it's just easier then giving up on something I have enjoyed. :\

One of their members .. a guy who has caused NOTHING but trouble from the first day he arrived in the alliance .. and is someone who NEVER bothers with me .. NEVER acknowledges me .. EVER even says a "hello" .. took the time to fire off a "you ever do anything then *joke* lol" .. when I had spent my first hour ingame chatting with several people I quite like .. including our newest guild member and had commented I'd not started doing anything at that point. This being someone who has deliberately joined in missions to ENSURE we failed by refusing to heal us .. he went as a monk .. and we wiped .. he even ADMITTED that that was why he went too. Another time even led us to a spawn point .. so that death was fast. I refuse to knowingly go on ANY mission with him. O_O He also fired the first shot in the drive to merge low member guilds with others .. as a friend of his wanted to join his guild with us .. also in a low member guild I might add .. and something his guild was ALL for the kicking of other guilds .. as well as someone I was a bit disappointed with for going along wit
h them on .. and which was NOT well received by the rest of us I can assure you. So .. you'll pardon me if I hold ANYTHING they say to me as *suspect*.

I'm not sure how this can be made better .. once you've been so thoroughly disparaged by others .. no matter what they do after .. how much they try to put their best face forward .. you just always have it in the back of your mind what they've expressed before .. and it's hard to believe they've had a true seeing of the light and are sincerely trying to make up for it all.

I think the one who brought that groups attitude so explosively into public view said it best in a later post .. grant you he DID apologize to the alliance in general .. but .. I think this said it best .. and maybe is the answer to the question I posed at the beginning ..
"i can't believe i am taking this GW matter so far that i am explaining myself online to people that i don't even know in real life or matter in my personal life" .. certainly it explains how it is so easy to abuse others online when they never really matter to begin with. :\

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Yeah .. I DO Know ... ;)

.. and my answer to this ...

Is this ...
