Familiar Faces
Myst Online Uru Live is now dead again .. or in stasis .. or been put back to bed .. or something .. again.
Regardless .. the body is still warm .. and up pop a few familiar faces who have stayed pretty much under the radar for many months now.
I have to confess that .. despite all the time that has passed .. and having gotten some measure of closure for myself when I ran into EricL the last night in D'mala .. (and I say some measure .. because he basically just slapped away my sincere effort to make peace .. but I KNOW I did the right thing) .. felt a certain revulsion in the pit of my stomach when they started posting more frequently again.
I know that the things with me and MC were a drop in the bucket compared to stuff he did to others mind you .. so I suppose my little episode is small compared to the some of them .. but STILL .. what the hell ?! No matter what .. I think that what was done to me and MC by that bunch is ALWAYS going to bother me to some degree .. and NO amount of time passing is going to change that. :(
And before anyone gets on their high horse figuring I need to 'get over it' .. I defy ANYONE to feel anything less after having put up with such an extended attack as we did for so long .. spearheaded by one angry woman with a vendetta .. her willing minions .. a handful of likeminded supporters .. and shielded by her 'special' friend in a high place. As was put to me by someone who watched it all go on .. '.... they can say what they like, but it was pretty plain to most of us that she had a powerful hate on for you and she went after you with a single minded purpose that was frightening to watch .... '. And all that vitriol because of what I said when she told me what they were trying to do trapping tolip .. that they were going to get him to 'like' her slowly (which is an admission that she KNEW full well that he did NOT like her) .. and .. she wanted me to see if I would broach the subject of HER staying at HIS house so that she could attend Mysterium .. because it was near where he lived that year .. sort of get him used to the idea in increments .. to which I told her .. "if you knew tolip .. really KNEW him .. you'd know that this is a REALLY BAD idea". I wasn't kidding either .. O_O
Judging from the reactions of others in the community .. I am pretty safe in saying that I am NOT the only one who suffers from being in that space of knowing how badly you were wronged .. and yet having those responsible blithely walk away having NEVER taken responsibility much less made amends. I don't know how you ever get to a good space about something like that .. when those who conspired as they did NEVER admit what they did .. or EVER make an attempt at making things right by being sincerely sorry and making proper apologies. They walk away happily going about their business .. leaving the wounds they inflicted untended to .. then feign surprise when they find out that others are still angry. O_o
NO sooner does EricL start posting then up pops SuperGram and Jahuti .. and a few others all closely liplocked at each others hinderends .. posting with all the loving back patting that they so thickly lavish on him .. and worshipping at the base of that pedestal that he is so firmly ensconced on so high above them .. O_o
It appears to me he's ready to re-assume his hero/leader position in the Uru community again now that anything Cyan controlled is gone .. and is trying to gather whoever he can under his 'protective' wing. And his faithful at least .. don't seem to be disappointing him. Hmmmm .. that sounds bitter .. do you think that sounds bitter ?? .. Naaahh .. must be my imagination .. I'm rarely bitter about anything. ;)
I will never get it .. and I'm a pretty smart person .. but HOW do people who treat others so badly .. hiding and protecting others who treat others so badly .. say and do truly awful things .. STILL wind up with a group of blind followers that just will not EVER see .. or admit .. that they did anything wrong .. continuing to praise them .. and even shield them from ever stepping up and taking responsibility for what they do ?!?!
Tolip tried last year .. but when he returned from his trip and re-read that thread .. he realized that .. once SuperGram arrived on the scene and the tone changed dramatically after that with EricL posting his list of 'demands' on what he would and would not discuss .. that rather than accept reponsibility for HIS OWN ACTIONS .. EricL was seeming to be quite happy to start to divert the blame to those people who attack anyone who calls EricL on what he's done .. these self professed 'followers of Eric' .. some of which were attacking tolip in that thread .. he just threw his hands up and said .. well .. I can't exactly post exactly what he said .. because I don't generally use that sort of language O_O .. but suffice it to say he figured it was a waste of his time. ;)
I am saying this in a public place .. and I don't care what anyone thinks .. Jahuti is nothing but a dirty old man. He harassed MC from the time she was 15 years old .. yes .. 15 !! .. calling her by creepy pet names .. refusing to stop doing so when she asked him not to .. even in the presence of a witness .. and saying things that were completely inappropriate to her !! I went to EricL in the beginning and he dismissed everything .. said my allegations were pretty 'over the top' .. after all Jahuti is just some poor misunderstood ol' man .. who has found favor and protection as one of EricL's 'dear' friends and close followers .. and a lying, manipulative old pervert .. why on earth would EricL EVER do the right thing and hold him responsible ??
Jahuti even created a female avvie .. called D'nis I believe .. that he decided to use to try and befriend her .. forgetting, I guess, that he had shown the avvie to me at one point .. and even getting caught using that avvie on Tapestry after he finally did get banned for something else. And about that .. little side note here that is JUST my opinion .. they had a long meeting in a hood the night before he got banned .. and then promptly showed up as D'nis the next day .. I figure they hatched it up .. him using an alternate .. and EricL could look like he banned him .. while he could still play on Tapestry .. again .. JUST my feeling about what really happened there .. well .. mine and a few others ;) . Anyway .. due to EricL's protection .. Jahuti continued to try to get MC's attention at every turn .. pming potshots at her .. which she NEVER answered .. and .. when she put him on ignore .. would say things about her to others if she was in the same place (as you wouldn't know if that ignored person was around until you ran right into them .. not a very good system !! ) .. even into D'mala .. causing me to write to Cyan .. who ALSO did NOTHING .. didn't even answer my email !!
He and Louly conspired to trap my friend tolip .. and before ANYONE goes off about 'poor' Louly .. she admitted the ENTIRE thing in our so-called 'private' thread that MrD set up for us .. though she was quick to say the entire thing was Jahuti's idea and she just went along with it O_o .. and .. I SAVED the WHOLE thread .. EVERY word .. and even have it all backed up .. as PROOF !! I have wondered how much of it SHE leaked .. and also hedged about .. from what was said on Slackers .. about me 'refusing' to let her 'get away' with stuff .. I am reckoning that she posted the statements SHE made when she'd pitch her hissy fits in that thread as ME being unreasonable .. because EVERY time I wound up telling HER how badly I felt about everything .. SHE would go off on some tangent about not letting me get away with what I had done .. and ruining me .. and posting the 'truth' .. according to her no doubt .. as I've always said .. if they stuck to the truth there was nothing to tell .. as I didn't trust her as far as I could drop her and I NEVER told her a word about anything that I didn't care was known .. even spending half my time in alternate avvies so that I wouldn't have to deal with getting sacked by insane pm's the second I popped open my KI when I landed in my Relto.
That's why NO one in my online Mysty world had so much as an inkling that my marriage is all but over .. until I posted that in this blog .. because .. it .. was .. NO .. one .. elses .. business. PERIOD Now that MC is older .. and knows .. and God love her .. understands .. it doesn't matter.
Oh .. and I'm throwing something else out .. because he said I could .. tolip .. he WAS involved with someone during UU .. and it WASN'T ME .. never was .. and .. that little relationship came to a rather unpleasant ending. It was plain to me there was something going on .. and to others .. yet those 2 that did that little plotting .. preferred to somehow figure I had something going on .. that I was the reason that tolip didn't like Louly. You know something ?? He could NEVER stand her .. and right from the start he warned me to stay away from them .. especially her .. said she was needy and clingy .. and that if I let her into my head .. let her make me responsible for her 'feelings' .. that she'd rake me over the coals. And good lord he sure wasn't wrong there .. O_O
Well .. there .. I'm glad that's out .. and now .. just because I'm feeling ornery about it all .. and having read a Slackers thread where someone was confused about how 'Neeah the Red' and 'BearFoot' were swayed by those who dislike Slackers .. here's a heads up. While I do NOT know who BearFoot is .. though I have my suspicions .. I DO know .. that while UU was running .. that Neeah was Eleri .. as I used to talk to Eleri in her Neeah suit/avvie .. and YES I am QUITE SURE about that .. it was DEFINATELY Eleri as Neeah .. acknowledged and everything. She had made a little slip up the day I realized it was her .. and I spoke to her as Eleri in that Neeah avvie .. and she asked me to NOT tell anyone as she did not want it publicly known that Neeah/Eleri were the same person .. and .. as per usual with anyone with an alternate avvie .. I respected that request .. and told her I would not spread that info around .. and I never did.
I realized something was weird about it one night though .. when I linked into the Institution hood one evening and she was standing in the fountain .. face REALLY close to a fella's face .. and I'm talking chest to chest .. faces up REAL close .. and read a line of text that made me go .. O_O
Ewwwwwwww .. I need to go shower now ................. O_o
I was was told later .. a looonnng while after I had left Tapestry .. by the fella involved .. exactly what that character had been created for .. something that is NOW common knowledge about what Tapestry was used for .. and fits in with her relationship/lifestyle choices (though NOT for me .. I'm NOT judging anyone .. I'm just saying). The thing that gets me about all that is .. SuperGram obviously KNEW what was going on there .. viewing it with a disapproving eye .. judging by what PS said on Slackers and her opinion that certain people had turned the place into their own personal brothel .. and I think we can be safe in assuming that since she is SO close to him .. that she spoke with EricL .. a lot .. so .. one can assume that he probably was made aware of what was going on .. and .. true to his nature .. he did nothing.
Enough of this .. I'm going to go kill stuff ... a LOT of stuff in Guild Wars .. because all this is doing is making me remember that horrible time .. and makes me glad I now lurk online 'communities' .. much safer than to take the chance of becoming involved with people who take pleasure in utterly destroying you .. just because they can. :\
I don't know all that went on on Tapestry, etcetera, as I did not frequent there much, by choice. Seems like most of the issues in the community center around a handful of individuals, or maybe two or three, actually. I just knew there was trouble and wanted no part of it. Thank-you for confirming my choice about online communities, such as URU or any other MMO for that matter, which is, not to participate. The details may vary, but overall, your experience and the experience of others that left long ago, or went into hiding and lurking on the fridge mode is the same, bad.
Wishing you well.
Thank you for enlightening me on certain subjects. I found this read to be quite educational.
Thank you for speaking up. Quite a few of us got bloodied by them.
Hello again rw .. nice to see you :) .. I think that what I know .. and went through .. is but a drop in the bucket of what REALLY went on on Tapestry .. as I made myself very scarce there around Decemberish moving at a friends encouragement to GoG .. so 5ish months in .. and deleted everything a few months later from Tap just prior to this all hitting the fan. So I can only go by what others say as to some of the rest that went on there after .. but good lord .. what were they thinking ?! O_O
And I completely agree with you .. I like it out here lurking .. lol .. being an observer you REALLY get an objective look at how truly toxic some of the elements in that particular community are !!
I have fun elsewhere now .. a part of .. but not deeply involved with .. a group of people from Uru/Myst .. and a lot that never had anything to do with it in any way.
Take care .. Cier :)
Hiya Tomala .. :)
I had started to post a couple of those things on Slackers actually .. but I got that connection failed when I tried to post and took forever to get back to the posting box .. and then everything I wrote was gone .. which probably put me in a great frame of mind when I came here and posted .. LOL :D
Apparently I still have 'issues' O_o .. but it just irks me no end them all returning .. acting like they're the benevolent lily white saviors of the community .. when in fact THEY are the core issue of all that's wrong with it .. and always have been despite their acting as if it's everyone else. :\
Oh .. well .. not everyone is fooled .. thank God ;)
Nice to see you btw .. Cier :)
Hello Semplerfi .. and hi to 'ette too :)
I know from the thread that tolip posted in that you guys were terribly demoralized by what EricL did to you .. doesn't surprise me that he did it .. he is NOT the 'aw shucks goodguy' that he and his rose-tinted glasses followers like to portray him as .. you were just another 'inconsequential' casualty in the way they treat anyone that isn't an 'in' part of that toxic little symbiotic group .. or among those who have dared to challenge him.
I AM glad that you got some closure by him writing letters for forums to clear that up .. but .. after the damage is done .. the sting of the injustice can still linger. At least he made something resembling an effort to make things right for you .. which I am glad of. :)
So many others .. and certainly NOT just us here .. will NEVER be afforded that .. because in his mind he justifies everything .. has certain people always reminding him of how he did nothing wrong .. so is happy to believe he has nothing to make right .. and then seems bewildered that people still are angry or hurt or still 'bring it up' .. O_o
It's really nice to see you .. I wish you both the very best .. Cier :)
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