Thursday, March 27, 2008

Same Song .. New Singer ...

Wow .. I re-read my last post .. hmm ... could be something to that menopause thing there .. O_o .. LOL

Shades of Starfyre .. we've had another "death" in the Uru community !! O_O

I hadn't been keeping up with the forums since I was so cross after that last post that I just stayed away and even have removed my MO:UL from my compy .. freeing up 4 gigs in the process no less. :D I've decided that I no longer care about the whole thing thanks to the way things have been done .. by all parties involved .. and by the behaviors of the few that seem to dominate the forums. I'm done .. I don't care if they light every corner of the cavern .. open every door and area .. and bring on the dancin' squee review .. I'm happy about that choice. :)

My friend tolip pointed me to a thread on COBBS and one on Slackers where Ravin posted that he was going to be gone for a bit .. setting the stage so to speak .. and asked me what I thought. I told him that .. in my opinion .. the three posts on Slackers .. "Ravin's" .. "Ravin's sister's" .. and the new guy posting that ever-so-sad song in remembrance of a guy he didn't even know, "Underhill" .. appeared to all be made by the same person. I based that conclusion on the layout of the posts .. such as using small paragraphs to present each thought .. and the same grammatical habits of missing capital letters at the start of sentences .. forgetting periods at the ends .. and using dots to trail off the end of other sentences. Just seemed like the same person to me. Not to mention .. if you do a timeline of what he posted and when .. once I read the other Slackers thread in the Steam Room .. it all fits nicely together.

So I did a little Google search with the various names Ravin said he used .. in a post on MOUL .. and found the Seti profile page for "Underhill" in the link that was listed as for "Ravin Dracon" .. and you cannot imagine my surprise when I clicked the link for the one and the other name showed up. O_O I pulled up the original page from the Cache link .. and voila .. matching UserID #'s.

I passed it all on to my friend and it all came to a head when my friend posted that data on the MOUL forums .. quickly to be removed .. but still seen by enough to get them alerted. lolol

Seems several forums and people already suspected as tolip did that things weren't right. He'd even posted on COBBS "opus out?" .. cuz he said something stunk about it.

Makes me laugh that these others were now posting they suspected but were holding out until they were sure. Oh .. please .. it appears more to me that they were saying nothing in the hope it would blow over and nothing would need to be said UNLESS something public was said. But then again .. that is JUST my opinion on that .. because I find it hard to accept that NO one else besides me found that Seti link .. in a search that took me all of 2 minutes !! O_o

I ventured into the Steam Room to have a peak .. see what was going on there as I hadn't been there in a little while. If you all knew how hard it was for me to access Slacker's forum you'd appreciate what that means. Seems since we got highspeed .. there is a routing issue between them and us .. and it takes a LONG time to load anything on that site .. honestly .. by the time I get logged in .. make it to any forum .. and view even ONE thread of a few pages .. it can take me an hour !! Seriously !! O_O

Gnarly Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that what follows is MY general feeling on what happened .. nothing more or less. :)

I don't quite get why people feel the need to pull such stunts .. why not .. if you're unhappy .. feeling betrayed .. whatever .. just leave .. no long rambling opus .. no dramatic death scene .. just .. GO. Here is a great humorous sendup that tolip found on YouTube about this sort of thing .. and both the Starfyre and Ravin incidents are CLASSIC examples of this !! LOL :D

Anyway .. after reading the thread in the Steam Room about BAD giving the AdminKI code to Ravin .. which had been discussed on COBBS with another there expressing their displeasure .. and seeing how truly upset Tomala was about that .. how she expressed that to BAD .. I think I might be able to surmise why Ravin did what he did.

Slackers was a safe Haven for him. No matter what he did .. what upset him .. what (occasional) hystrionic fit he pitched .. they ALWAYS reached out to him .. protected him .. comforted him .. and also provided him a supportive space to be who he was sharing his spiritual beliefs .. as any REAL friends would do. I suppose he just got used to unconditional support for his actions .. regardless of what those actions might be. With Tomala being so vehemently against BAD giving him that code (and with good solid reasons .. I just want to add) and expressing it so concisely .. I'm sure he took that very personally. And .. I would suspect that .. in his hurt and angry place he chose to strike back and inflict hurt on her .. them .. for that perceived betrayal. Maybe feeling that even she/they would never let him be free of whatever hacking he did YEARS ago .. when most of us had NO idea he even ever did anything .. and really .. most at this point would care less. He even went to the trouble of "confiding" info to another member/friend .. I suppose to use him to support his plan. I'd be curious to know when .. in the series of events .. he did that .. talked to the guy. It'd show when he started things rolling in the timeline of the other stuff going on .. show when he crossed the line in deciding to go forward with it .. maybe even show what that defining moment was that pushed him over the line.

It is a shame he chose to do that .. because I do think that he has hurt the very people that DID give him the truest offering of friendship .. so to do that to that little group .. good lord .. what was he thinking?
I feel kinda bad for Tomala on Slacker's .. although I don't always feel comfortable with how things are handled as they do have their own way of doing things ;) .. I DO genuinely like HER. She's a nice young woman .. funny and intelligent .. and quite capable of standing her ground when she needs to .. but also with a very sweet side that I am sure is feeling all sorts of things about this that aren't very good. Hang in there {{{{Sweetie}}}} .. you did nothing wrong. :)

I'm sure this will all blow over .. as these things do .. and if he chooses to make his apologies .. if not his explanations .. for the whyfor's of it all .. they'll forgive him .. or most of them will .. and support him there .. because he really does have friends there.

As for me .. I'm crawling back away from the forums again. After attempting to read a couple of threads that devolved into a few of the usual troll-like regulars on MOUL taking potshots at each other .. yet again .. I've decided that I am right .. I'm happier away from them .. MUCH happier .. ;)


At 12:53 AM, Blogger BAD said...

Your right Cier we didn't want to say anything as we wanted Ravin to come out about this on his own. Once the rest of his sloppy cover job was revealed in other places, he bolted. :-(

I had PMed (Underhill) twice, and both times he lied straight back. I was trying to be gentle with him, but it did hurt me a lot to have to endure the lies.

Preachr was an admin at the end of UU and he was interested in helping out with the project Ravin and I were going to work on. He and Rav had some things in common so they were talking more without me.

I believe that is when Ravin confided in Preachr about his "health" issues and that was very soon after the WTF? Thread and the thread at Cobbs.

People seem to think that I did something wrong by giving Rav the adminKI code. I still don't think that act in itself was wrong.

My mistake was doing so without consulting the other admins first. Especially Tomala and PS.

My problem is that when I get involved in something, I am willing to throw myself into it right away and tend to not think of the consequences, or miss important details in my zeal.

Lucky for me, Tomala and PS know how I am, and I think our past problems helped to keep this incident from disrupting our relationship again.


Up until this point, Ravin has been nothing but a sweet, misunderstood, and eccentric guy. He never was pushy or mean. He fit into slackers with little trouble. He spent over a year impressing us with his artistic, spiritual, and technical abilities. We had some really cool plans for the future, and it saddens me that those plans have now been destroyed.

At 2:07 PM, Blogger Cierdwyn said...

Hiya .. I can tell from your posts that you really are hurting over all of this .. and it is completely understandable given all that's gone on. :)

Having played guinea pig on the various UU shards that Ashtar and tolip set up .. I probably have more of an understanding of the care that must be taken with the vault when it comes to how much damage can be done with just the slightest of mis-tweakings .. than most others do. So I DO understand why the AdminKI data is so carefully monitored. However .. given what Ravin is capable of .. your idea of harnessing that skill makes perfect sense and I personally don't see what you did as being anything that would have prevented the chance of UU ever coming back again .. as was said to you on COBBS .. that particular decision will be at Cyan's discretion for their own reasons.

What IS most unfortunate about this all is that really nice, well intentioned people .. that truly liked and trusted him .. like yourself .. are now hurting because of the actions of that same person that you had befriended and trusted. No matter how you look at it .. for whatever his reasons .. Ravin chose to make people pay for HIS (perceived) betrayal in a truly cruel way .. a way designed to inflict not only pain from his "death" .. but also to inflict the awful pain that only comes from the burden of guilt. I would NEVER trust anyone EVER again that did that to me .. and I'm a pretty forgiving person .. if you only knew .. ;)

Always remember this .. it's NEVER anything YOU have done "wrong" when YOU trust someone that you take as a friend and THEY then abuse that trust with a betrayal. What would be the point of bothering having friends if you don't trust them .. give them that benefit of the doubt? It's what they do with that trust that seals the deal .. one way or the other. :)

I wish you the very best .. and please don't let his actions take away from the good person that you genuinely are .. and your good intentions .. because then he wins something of a victory. Take care .. warmest of {{{{hugs}}}} .. Sherry :)

At 2:32 AM, Blogger BAD said...

Thank you so much Cier. You have always been such a warm and stable person. I wish things happened differently and you were still an active member in Uru.

It seems the truly good people are the ones who get drove off the quickest. Being a good person comes with a lot of common sense, and when your gut says get out, you do. I admire that.

For me, I will still struggle against the wind. I may sound bitter now, but I haven't changed inside. I will be ready to trust the next person who starts trying to earn it. I may not know when to leave, but at least I am having fun with my friends still.

That's all we need.


At 1:12 PM, Blogger Cierdwyn said...

Awww .. thank you for that Brad .. that's a really nice thing to say. :)

Despite it all I have made wonderful friends because of my involvement with Uru/UU .. and I continue to enjoy most of them in the other venues I play in. So I very much agree with you that that is truly what is most important to take from all of this. :)

Perhaps you might decide to give Guild Wars a shot .. there are a LOT of Uru/Myst players involved with it .. I am in a nice alliance of 10 guilds .. most of which are Uru related.

I have a great time with these people .. good folks that have been worth the time to get to know .. and if you DO decide to give it a try don't be afraid to say "hello" .. my main name ingame is Cierdwyn Of Myst and I'm sure we can get you off and running .. :D

DreamingGirl does have a Guild of Slackers all warmed up with a space ready for you I'm sure .. which is already a member of our alliance .. you'd have built in friends to get you started such as MercAngel .. Bongmaster and Jakah. As well a lot of GoG folks like Lord Chaos play .. and the guild that Rils and Alhon are in have now joined us .. The Warriors of Ae'Gura.

I hope you give us a shot .. and I'll look forward to you joining us .. how's that? lol

It's amazing the way your outlook changes when you leave that dark cavern and spend some time playing in some 'sunshine' .. even if it is virtual. :D

Take care .. Sherry :)

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