Monday, March 10, 2008

We're Finding A Way ... Making A Home ... Whether *They* Like It Or Not

In perusing the MOUL forum yesterday I noticed a post by someone I remember from Until Uru. She was nice enough .. if a bit odd .. and I mostly avoided her having been somewhat scalded by someone similar who was involved with UU.

I felt it was kind of a rude post .. as were several of her subsequent posts pouncing on people who were trying to explain what others were doing in trying to help people get organized and comfortable in a new world BEFORE the last Uru day .. putting down those people who are choosing to find other online games in which to stay and play together in now that MOUL is shutting down .. dragging out a few of the usual faithful to further shame anyone who glances sidelong at any non-Cyan kissed game. I just cannot imagine what gives ANYONE the right to run their mouth like that about how others choose to spend their online time.

Maybe it's my menopause putting me in defiant frame of mind .. my patience with this crap isn't what it once was .. but ......

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with playing in other games .. whatever the game of your choosing is. I have made wonderful friends because of my involvement with Uru .. but my friendships don't thrive ONLY because of the connection to Uru .. don't exist ONLY in the Uru environment. I'll be damned if I'm going to sit helplessly by letting my dear friendships go down with the Good Ship Uru without finding ways to maintain them in a realtime .. avvie driven .. environment such as I've .. we've all .. gotten used to in Uru. Those handful posting in that thread .. attempting to shame those who are 'finding a way .. making a home' so that they can continue to enjoy those relationships .. well .. that's just selfish .. blind .. oh heck .. let's just call it what it is .. Cyan asskissing at it's finest. LOL :D

It all just makes me so cross .. how dare they tell any of us where we should be online .. and then further insult us by overtly suggesting that we are somehow sinning against Cyan by daring to try and organize things BEFORE the plug gets pulled. How much of a 'slap in the face' it is to Cyan .. or that those threads have no place on those forums .. or how if they had any say the threads wouldn't be allowed .. or would be at the least moved .. and on .. and on.

To those of you who keep saying those things .. if YOU want to languish on a dying forum of a dead-again game .. please do so .. I certainly would never entertain the idea of trying to stop you .. or encourage you to try something that might be fun .. AND give you the added bonus of standing in a chat circle .. or sitting around a fire .. or exploring a new area that someone has created .. WITH the same people you have come to enjoy spending time with .. in a virtual avvie.

I email my friends .. I chat in Yahoo with them .. I voice chat with them .. but you know .. there is just a little more sense of 'physically' sharing the same space with them when driving an avvie and DOING things together. I don't know why that is .. for me .. it .. just .. is .. and I make NO apologies for that and certainly not to the bunch of you that seems to be so deeply entrenched in the Cyan/Uru .. um .. hinderend .. that you can't see anything else. :)

With regards to the idiotic statements that it's blatant 'advertising' of other games .. it is IN FACT .. Uruites at their FINEST organizing their friends and fellow players and helping others get ready for WHEN the plug gets pulled .. WHILE everyone is still in one place and NOT drifted away afterwards .. AS HAPPENED THE FIRST TIME Uru got 'put to bed'.

I greatly enjoy playing in There Online .. (gosh I hope that OP's head explodes mentioning it here) .. and I have had just THE best time playing Guild Wars the past year .. and you know .. I play mostly with people I know .. have known for YEARS .. from Uru. And you know why I play with them? Because I like them .. a lot .. they're good people .. and some are even dear friends .. and we enjoy doing things together online. Not just standing around a fountain chatting .. waiting for the next tidbit of .. of .. anything .. to be handed to us in Uru .. but .. to actually BE doing stuff together .. things we have fun doing TOGETHER .. regardless of where that place to be together is. Sometimes it's just chatting .. sometimes it's hoverboarding over newly opened islands in There .. exploring every square inch .. delighting in each new find .. or creating beautiful gardens or lots .. OR .. yes in GW it's chatting animatedly in alliance or guild chat .. or .. actually doing missions together and *gasp* killing virtual critters .. or having a dance party in a guild hall .. or .. something that just puts us all in the same space together to look into our smiling virtual faces and feel that feeling you get when you have your favorite people over for an evening of happy chatter and warm friendship.

You aren't going to shame me .. nor anyone that I know .. into forsaking those friendships .. sharing virtual adventures .. in familiar environments .. just to please YOUR overblown sense of loyalty to Cyan. Also .. just for the record .. I don't care if they hand us yet another 'Until' Uru .. or reasonable facsimile in all it's static glory .. I'll still be with my Uru friends no matter where I choose to go online .. be it the Uru ages I love .. There Online .. Guild Wars .. or anyplace else I choose to visit .. and play with the people that have become so dear to me .. and that's a comfort I enjoy.

If you cannot bring yourself to be anywhere else then Uru .. then I feel sorry for YOU .. but I'm sure you will live a full and happy life offline .. keeping a forum alive with occasional posts .. and forever waiting for the sunken Uru to rise .. yet again. Truly the best of luck to you. :)

As for me .. I'm now off to visit with my friends in There Online .. tend to my garden island .. and see who new might have found their way to the beautiful Shorah hoods .. before making my way into Guild Wars to chat with the lovely Uru people who are in my guild/alliance .. maybe do a mission or few .. and probably do it all while voice chatting with a favorite friend of mine that .. thankfully .. has NEVER had anything to do with ANYTHING Myst/Uru/Cyan related .. bless his heart. ;)


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