Sunday, October 05, 2008

Is It 10 Years Already?? O_o

Unlike most women .. I have only 1 purse at a time. I know .. hard to imagine .. but I have such an aversion to purse shopping that I usually buy as good a quality purse as I can afford .. and get as many years out of it as I possibly can .. before having to go purse shopping .. again. *cries*

Purse shopping is a deeply personal experience for every woman. Only *she* knows exactly what her needs are .. and the perfect bag that will fill that need. A bag that will leave one woman trying to keep her dinner down .. will lift another to lofty heights of joy. And .. a purse that made you weep with delight last time .. you wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole the next time. It's truly unique to each of us .. at that given point in time. It can be downright traumatizing NOT being able to find that right and perfect bag .. which is where my aversion comes in. :\

I have a specifice type/style of purse in mind. Similar to one I had years ago. A truly great purse .. a large hobo/sling style that was super .. in an utterly awful taupe color. My mother had had it .. and hated it .. and one day gave it to me as when I asked her why .. if she disliked it so much did she purchase it. Her response was that it had "called" to her as she walked past it in the store .. "here you want it?" .. before dumping the contents and tossin' it in my direction. Um .. 'k Mum .. 'erm thanks? O_o

Pasty putty color aside it was a great looking thing and held loads of essential girlie items .. and I used it for years until it finally gave up exhausted and fell apart. I tried to find something similar after .. but nothing seemed to come close and I'd wind up giving up in frustration .. usually settling for just anything at that point. I've been using one my best friend gave me .. 11 years ago this Christmas .. thinking I'd replace it once it wore out a bit. Finally .. FINALLY .. it's starting to show some wear .. thank God .. cuz .. sssssshhhhhh .. I kinda didn't like it so much as I could have. O_O

So .. I've been purse shopping the past while .. and it's been a painful process not unlike having your eyes poked with sharp sticks.

I decided that *this* time I wasn't gonna give up the search until I found one that was as similar to that old one as I could get .. EXCEPT the color of course. And .. seeing as eBay and I have a close personal relationship .. I'd go there and find one. Oh .. my .. God .. who knew there were so many purses that would answer the search parameter "hobo purse". O_o

I can't imagine how far I'd have to be gone to get some of those .. things. "Hideous" seems so .. inadequate .. in describing some of the patterning used on some of these purses. Doesn't ANYONE work in adequate lighting for these projects ??!! The extent of the "fugly" I've exposed my sensibilities to is hard to adequately express. It's the kind that truly puts the F U G in FUGLY .. purses that are an insult to anyones senses. Certainly no self respecting mugger would be caught dead stealin' those bags .. that's for sure. O_O

Some were attractive .. just NOT what I'm looking for .. they were either far too small to be "hobo" style .. I'd be lucky to get my wallet in them .. much less the rest of my "essential" gear .. and others far too oddly shaped to be "sling" style .. yet somehow have made the cut into that search.

There are patterns so loud my ears bled .. sequins and fringes and buckles .. oh my. And .. after seeing the rainbow of purse colors used out there .. I've come to the conclusion that there are just some colors that purses were NEVER intended to be. The level of colorblindness in the purse making industry must be staggeringly high. Bright oranges .. iridescent greens .. and there is a shade of yellow out there that I haven't seen since I changed my breastfed baby's diaper. O_o

I'd see one and think ... ooohh niiiicee sty..... wait .. is that .. purple ?? !! O_O

Oh .. and what is with the ginormous bags with the wee short shoulder straps anyway?? I've seen huge purses that are larger then the new suitcase I purchased .. and worn as if some weird sac-like appendage hanging from your armpit .. O_O

I have found a handful that are just the right size and shape .. and in darker colors I am leaning towards .. but .. naturally .. they are priced somewhat MORE than what I'd be willing to shell out for what .. in effect .. will be a portable junk drawer. LOL :D

I burst into spontaneous hilarious laughter at the horrible looking purse priced at 695$ .. because I paid LESS for the first car I ever bought myself .. and it was MUCH more attractive too. A maroon AMC Concord .. for the price of 475$ thank you very much .. that stood me in good stead for many years. Though .. to be fair .. this purse was so large I probably could have parked that car in it. O_o

Honestly .. I've seen "purses" so "oversized" they'd make Mary Poppins nipples go hard. And with so much room in them I'd have to add .. good luck findin' your lamp in there missy.

I want a largish bag yes .. but not so cavernous I risk the need for emergency aid to get out should I have the misfortune to slip and fall inside of it. O_o

And I don't mind paying a bit for a good purse .. but straying into the range of my mortgage payment seems just a tad much. When I start paying that much for a bag it had better be plenty roomy enough for me to live in it .. because I'd be givin' up my cozy abode for it. And I'm not even gonna whisper what someone was askin' for a Gucci bag .. that was EXACTLY what I was lookin' for .. *weaves ... moans ... puts head between knees* O_o

Anyway .. after days of "browsing" .. I've finally found a half a dozen that seem to fit my checklist .. and now I'm gonna wait a couple of days .. re-check them .. and providing it's still available .. choose one. Because my purse shopping is on it's last nerve .. and I wanna be sure I really like it .. 'cuz it's gonna be bouncin' off of my ample hip for the next 10ish years .. until I have to do this all over again. *sigh*



At 3:59 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow... Would you believe I've never purse shopped in my whole life??? I never knew how important it was. I have TONS of purses I cycle through that were given to me as presents and hand me downs. My two favorites are a tiny black flower one and a hippie one made of denim with peace signs, stars and other shiny objects.

You'll have to show us what your choice looks like.

At 3:06 PM, Blogger Cierdwyn said...

Ooohh .. you'll have to try purse shopping some time .. looking for juuuuust the right one for a particular need .. ;)

In my case it's one that can be pretty much all purpose .. passable for an evening out .. or a funeral .. yet functional for every day .. tiz a fine line .. uh .. huh .. erm .. at least in my own mind. O_o

My best friend must have 50 purses .. I don't think I've ever seen her with the same one twice. I've shopped with her a couple of times .. painful experiences of going from shop to shop to shop ... looking for *just* the 'right' purse for whatever her need was at that time. LOL

It did nothing to change my aversion to purse shopping .. but the lunch out was always nice. :D

I don't know what predefined notions I have about it .. but few meet the criteria .. I guess .. suppose .. which .. for whatever reason .. turns it into a long drawn out process for me. LOL :D

At 3:45 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Years ago my friends tried to coax me into buying a purse. Problem is all the purses I have always suit what I'm doing. Heck there's a bunch of purses on clearance at the store I work at that look real cute, but alas I'm well off in the purse dept. I don't know if I'm satisfied or just cheap, or both :P . On a funny note, my BFF Princess Barbie calls my hippie tote the "ever expanding bag" because it looks small, but I always manage to pull a Mary Poppins with it somehow. Storing almost everything we happen to have on hand for an adventure in it and still manage to have room for other things.

I also know what you mean by gigantic purses. Some of them seem more like luggage cases than actual purses. Though it's a real hoot watching people sort through tons of crap just to find one tiny cell phone in a Hugh Jass purse.


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