About Those Petty Fissure Gods ..... O_o
You know .. I had the neatest thing happen last night .. :D
Every time I go into my Uru Live game .. as if performing some twisted avvie sacrifice .. I toss my avatar into the crevice in the middle of my relto island .. always with the dim hope that THIS time those petty fissure gods might be sleeping and let me make it to the desert. And always with the same result .. I take the 'long' way to my relto hut .. with this time being no different than usual.
I was on to check out a new 'sizzling shiny' thing they gave us .. that was to be found in Gahreesen. I went there and after investigating the arrival buildings hallways .. and finding nothing there .. realized that .. "Oh great .. I'll have to borrow someone elses Gahreesen to even GET to the main building". *cries* .. I've had 'issues' with my Gahreesen. But .. even beyond the gear/power room .. which I've had friends get going for me .. and who seem to have NO problems in my Gahreesen - btw .. my avvie has not been able to land on the (supposedly) solid pinnacle with the journey cloth on it .. falling through and panic linking out EVERY time I try it. That jump happens to be the ONLY route to make it to the main building. I decided .. that since I was already there .. ONE try wouldn't hurt .. as I'd have to leave to my relto anyway before I could make a visit to the Guild of Greeters hood .. asking one of my friends there to let me 'borrow' their Gahreesen for a bit. As I seem to have NO problems with others Gahreesen ages. O_o
I rode the elevator up .. enjoyed that moment of the beauty of Gahreesen that always hits me when I arrive up top .. then out to the end of the rotating ramp .. waiting for it to reach the rock .. jumped .. fully expecting to fall on through it .. as per usual .. and promptly landed solidly on it !! Oh .. she was ankle deep mind you .. but she was ON THE ROCK !!!! :D /dance I IMMEDIATELY touched the cloth there .. the easier to return when I needed to .. made the next jump to the other rotating platform and was on my way into the building .. found what I was looking for .. and linked back to my relto to have a peek. /cheer .. :D
After investigating the 'new and pretty' thing that the powers that be gave us .. I crashed out of the game. I relogged back in .. headed my avvie back for her 'long way' trip to her relto hut .. and threw her back into the fissure .. again .. as per usual. So .. it is with no small amount of SHOCK .. that .. after weeks of some pretty serious avvie abuse .. I wound up IN THE DESERT .. like I'm supposed to !! O_O
Well .. not quite .. AT FIRST .. I wound up back in my relto hut .. same as usual .. but .. THIS time .. AFTER arriving in the hut .. the screen suddenly faded to black .. and I started linking again. I figured it was the rare re-linking to the same place as happens from time to time. (I did mention this is Beta .. right ?? :D ) But I didn't link back to my relto hut .. I landed in the desert .. O_O .. and I FINISHED MY GAME !!!!! :D /moredancing .. /morecheering .. :D
I still can't believe it. O_o
I had reposted a help ticket .. in the hopes that there might be something they could do .. offer me hope that a fix was imminent .. but .. got the reply .. 'sorry you're getting discouraged .. we are working on it .. thanks for your patience' .. ticket closed. But even IF they sneaked a bit of help my way for the relto fissure .. that wouldn't explain how or why I made it to that rock pinnacle that I always fall through .. and I've been regularly trying that jump every time I go on too.
I've had some well-meaning friends 'suggest' it was my satellite connection .. but that night .. I was voice chatting with a friend on Yahoo (a resource hog like you cannot imagine !!) .. and had a bit torrent dribbling in in the background .. it was snowing and blowing with intermittent freezing rain .. AND my daughter was on her computer .. sharing the same signal .. with several bit torrents downloading .. while surfing and downloading a bunch of items for her Sims from various places on the web .. AND playing games on Pogo !! (Quite the multi-tasker that girl o' mine. LOL) There was NO WAY I seriously thought I'd make any of that with the signal eaten up by so many things .. IF indeed it even had ANYTHING to do with my satellite. Which I now do NOT believe it did.
I'm thinking that that shiny sparkly thing that now lives on one of my relto islands must have caught the eye of those petty fissure gods .. and while their attention was distracted from that pit .. I was able to make good my escape into the desert. It's the only thing that makes sense .. so I'll take it .. :D
I am now officially done my ages .. and am ready for the new garden age that we should be seeing soon. lol
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